How Many Calories Do You Burn Bowling Sports

Are you wondering if it’s possible to burn calories while bowling? Yes, bowling is an excellent activity to have fun and exercise simultaneously. You can definitely burn some calories while bowling. Some people have the misconception that bowling doesn’t require any considerable movement, which is far from the truth. The following query that may pop up in your head is probably about calorie burn. How many calories do you burn bowling? Let’s find out.

Common Misconceptions About Bowling

People from other sports often seem to grasp a widespread misconception about bowling. Even some bowlers seem to share the same misconception. They think bowling doesn’t fall into the category of a strenuous sport, and almost no exercising motion is required in bowling. These people tend to think anyone can bowl easily without moving around in contrast to the sports like baseball, basketball, tennis, and football. And weirdly, this conception has passed from generation to generation. Now many people think bowling doesn’t require almost any movement at all. Ironically, that’s almost the opposite case with bowling. From a physical aspect, bowling is a very strenuous sport with many muscle activities and movements. Your arms, fingers, legs, and entire body are in conjunction while throwing the ball. And a bowler needs to throw the ball twenty times in a single game without any strikes or spares.

Factors That Influence Calorie Burn

The prediction of how many calories you burn during bowling is not easy. And many people find this annoying because it makes calculating weight loss almost like a guessing game. However, good estimations are always helpful to get close to the actual value. If someone considers a few essential factors, their estimations have an excellent chance to be close to an accurate result. Let’s talk about some important factors that greatly influence how many calories you may burn during bowling.


You need the energy to move around with your body. Calorie or joule is usually the unit used for measuring energy. The required energy to fuel movement increases as the weight increases.

Body Composition

Body composition refers to the weight distribution of different tissues in our body. Two people can have the same weight while different tissues contribute to most weight. An important thing to remember is muscle tissue requires more energy than fat tissue.


Depending on the movement of your body at a fast or slow speed, calories burned per minute of bowling can vary a lot. Of course, there’s a considerable difference between rolling a ball after ball in a solo training session and rolling a ball after waiting for 5 minutes for your turn.

How Many Calories Do You Burn Bowling?

You’ve already found out bowling is a great exercise sport for fun and losing weight. You’ve already found out bowling is a great exercise sport for fun and losing weight. Bowling enriched your metabolic process and therefore it works as an aid in weight loss. A bowler can burn at least 150 to 300 calories an hour depending on the effort. Clinical experts reveal that an adult bowler can burn up to 275 calories an hour. Sometimes it depends on how much you are bowling. If a bowler can bowl a minimum of 6 games in an hour it will really heart going and he/she must be sweating. Which is a sign of burning.

Let’s find out how you will calculate the number of burned calories while bowling. You will have to focus on several factors, such as the Metabolic Equivalent Task value of the bowling activity. Moreover, the number of minutes of bowling and your weight in kilograms. According to Healthline, We recommend a formula that looks like this: Let’s find out how you will calculate the number of burned calories while bowling. You will have to focus on several factors, such as the Metabolic Equivalent Task value of the bowling activity. Moreover, the number of minutes of bowling and your weight in kilograms. According to Healthline, We recommend a formula that looks like this:

Calories Burned/Minute = (MET x Body Weight in KG x 3.5) / 200

When a person is at rest, his MET is 1. The usual MET of bowling in an alley can approximately range from 3.5 to 3.9. Use these values along with the kilogram measurement of your body weight, and you can calculate the exact number of calories you are supposed to burn per minute. Medical professionals usually predict that an average person can burn over 150 calories to even 300 or more in an hour depending on the weight and the place of bowling, indoors or outdoors.

Hidden calorie-burning factors from bowling

Your weight matters very significantly in how many calories you burn. Also, There’s a workout term called afterburn. That refers to the increased metabolism even after you’ve stopped working out. So, if you do high-intensity bowling for an extended period, your body will continue to burn calories even if you stop bowling for a while.


Bowling is a wonderful activity to increase your everyday metabolism.  If you are over-weighed and try to burn then bowling is a fun way of burning. You can also sweat yourself while burning a lot of calories. So, if you keep a healthy and calculated diet, it’s very much possible to lose weight while bowling. We hope all these facts and data about bowling give you a better time on your next visit to a bowling alley.

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