Where Can I Sell My Bowling Ball: Best Option

Do you want to get rid of your old and used bowling balls? If so, don’t just through these in the garbage box. You can get rid of the used staff, and along with also can get some money! How? Just sell these! To know details-don’t forget to read below-

Best Option for selling your bowling ball

Lots of places and options are there to sell your used bowling ball. Firstly I will tell you about the offline options. Just search among your neighbors, friends, and nearby persons. It’s a potential means to sell or purchase any used items. Rather than many people surrounding us, might have a money shortage. So they want to purchase second-hand things. 

Then go for the second option, visit your nearby sports item selling point. Talk with the manager or the responsible person. A few days ago, I was at my area’s sports item selling point. So there I observed two teenage boys asking for a second-hand bowling ball. However, it’s not so effective, but it’s an option. If the shopper agrees to purchase your ball, you can go through it.

Now let’s come to the online pro shop where you can purchase your old used staff. Lots of Facebook groups are there where you can purchase or sell the old bowling ball. Online selling of any item may not always be efficient. Are you confused? Let me explain clearly. 

Online selling will force you to pay the shipping charge, payment processing cost, and also the platform cost (on which you are going to sell your things).

Rather than you could sell this to your local second-hand shop, youth bowlers, or bowling alleys. However, if you are still determined to sell online, see the below options.


Be sure your used ball is worth selling before you take initiative to sell it on eBay. Any ball having cracks or chips cannot undergo the selling process here. But if these are in a good condition, you can make a good profit from here. One more thing should I include, you can also sell your used bowling ball bag and other accessories with your bowling ball on eBay.

The con of selling the ball on eBay is, you have to pay the shipping cost. So the ultimate selling process may bring a little profit to you! 


Though already we have discussed it above, let’s clarify the whole process elaborately. Lots of Facebook groups are present nowadays, where you can sell any of your used items including the bowling ball. Search each possible such groups in your area. After then join each of these groups. 

Read their rules well and post your sell post. Do not forget to capture a few clear and shiny photos of your bowling ball. If you are selling a few balls, you can offer a discount if anybody purchases the whole batch.

Also try to narrate and pick the potential buyer, so that you can make your profit. Here I am giving some Facebook group lists. So just visit these groups and try to find out your desired customer. 

You can get here any repeated customer if you intend to sell any bowling accessories in the future. Be sure you are not going to give any faulty items to any of your customers. Also, try to be gentle while dealing with your customer.

Do Pro Shops Buy Used Bowling Balls?

We already talked about the pro shops, where you can sell your used bowling ball. But every Pro shop not will go to purchase your second-hand accessories. Some pro shops buy second-hand accessories, while some don’t. 

Some pro shop only sells new and fresh bowling accessories. So you cannot sell your second-hand item here. Again some pro shops sell second-hand bowling balls, but with a good brand and in a good condition. If your bowling ball is of a good brand and shining in a good condition-so you may ask to sell it to such a pro shop. 

Pro shops which purchase and sell second-hand bowling balls will try to save a little more dollars while purchasing the second hand. Therefore you cannot expect a top dollar from such a shop. As they also will sell it again to another person, so if they want to make a profit, obviously you have to pay low.

However, sometimes some pro shop offers replacement/exchange shopping, which means you can give your second-hand bowling ball, and instead of this, they will give you the new one! Exactly it happens for promotional purposes. You can also pick this chance and finally can make you free from your old, used bowling ball.

Do Pawn Shops Buy Used Bowling Balls?

As far as I know, they do not! There is a pawn shop nearby my home. I only see they buy jewelry, furniture, electrical accessories, or other good-conditioned tools & machinery. Bowling ball generally does not exert too much financial value on purchasing or selling, so it might be more or less impossible for you to sell this to any Pawnshop. However, still, it’s a matter of your pawn shop. If they purchase your things, why you would not sell these?


What can you do with old bowling balls?

I can donate it to any youth bowlers. I can sell it on any second-hand sell-purchase online platform. And if desired, I can sell these to the local second-hand sports center as well. 

How much is a bowling ball in KG?

Usually, it depends on the ball type. As there are lots of ball types, weight also differs from one to another. Generally, a bowling ball weighs in the range of 3 kg to 8 kg.

In a Nutshell

Let’s wrap up today’s session with an awesome pro tip. If you want to make a good profit from your used bowling ball, give some afford to your ball. Clean it properly, now take some coconut oil and apply a few drops of this oil on the whole over the ball. Use cotton to apply the oil.

Now look, your bowling ball become so shiny and new. Finally, when you will upload a picture on the online selling platform, obviously place the ball in a plain and well light area. So that you can capture a clear and shiny picture of your ball. 

Thank you.

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